Your Career Transition: First Steps

If you’re looking to make a career change but are hesitant on next steps (or first steps!) you’re not alone. Making a huge change can be scary, but with the right preparation you can be ready to take the plunge into the career you’ve been waiting for!

An easy first step can be to conduct some career informational interviews. Informational interviews can be an informal and simple way to discover more about a new career. It can be a helpful tool to use after you’ve done some initial research and are interested to learn from someone who has experienced the field first-hand. Informational interviews can also help you to learn more about an organization or to pursue a new network for future career paths.   

When organizations look for good job candidates, often they look for experience in the field. When transitioning careers, it may feel difficult to display work experience. Look for creative ways to show your expertise such as certifications, friends or people in your network who may recommend your skills, or ways to showcase your knowledge base.

When transitioning careers, it is important to use the abilities you already have. This can be done by taking a close look at your skill set (try the Strengths Finders to start). Once you’ve assessed your skills, it can be a helpful tool to know what a good or natural next career step can be. Be sure to update your resume and plan for interview questions that may be relevant to the field you are applying. Check out the Integrated Interview to get started.

According to LinkedIn, 80% of people do not have their dream job! Quoted from the article, “If you do not have your dream job, and you're not experiencing financial difficulties, you should think seriously about why you're scared of quitting your current job and doing what you love.” With the right tools and preparation, why not take the first step to a job you could truly love?

Author: Melissa Thomas 

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